The Morning Fix: Case for Texans trading for Tony Romo and more

Brace Hemmelgarn-USA TODAY Sports
Brace Hemmelgarn-USA TODAY Sports /

Good morning Houston! We have a nice set of Houston Texans’ news for you to read over as you get ready for the weekend.

I’m not buying the story that the Texans are comfortable with Tom Savage being their starter next season.

I agree with John McClain, Houston will likely go with a quarterback in the first round.

Here’s some more Texans’ news from around the web:

Houston Texans: Was Brock Osweiler Given Enough Time At QB? [House of Houston – Brian K. Patterson]

Maybe, maybe not. But the Texans should never have given him the contract they did.

Five early-round fits for the Texans in the 2017 NFL Draft [Fan Rag Sports – Jeff Smith]

This is a nice list of prospects that could certainly help the Texans.

Houston Texans: Stop Playing Chicken, Trade for Tony Romo [NFL Spin Zone – Randy Gurzi]

Trade? Not for the money Romo is scheduled to make in 2017.  Texans need to wait for him to be released and then sign him to a more friendly deal.

Houston Texans: 5 Best and 5 Worst Contract Signings of the Rick Smith Era [Houston Press – Sean Pendergast]

More from Toro Times

The Film Room (2017 NFL Draft): Gareon Conley Scouting Report [Battle Red Blog – Brett Kollmann]

This year’s draft is loaded at corner and Conley could be a heck of a player in the NFL.

J.J. Watt, Texans send care package to 12-year-old hit by car [ESPN – Sarah Barshop]

It’s great reading stories like these with so much negativity that surrounds NFL players in the offseason when then get in trouble off the field.

AFC South teams keep feeding each other players in free agency [ESPN – Paul Kuharsky]

You would think teams within the same division wouldn’t want to help one another.