Bill O’Brien: “We will play this season for the city of Houston”

Photo by Rob Carr/Getty Images
Photo by Rob Carr/Getty Images /

The Houston Texans will do their part in trying to help lift the spirits of their fans during this extremely difficult time.

With the devastation that the city of Houston as well as the surrounding areas have sustained due to Tropical Storm Harvey, Houston Texans head coach Bill O’Brien praised the public for how they’ve helped one another in such a difficult situation.

O’Brien also said that the Texans will be playing for the city of Houston this coming season.

Texans’ owner Bob McNair has pledged to donate $1 million in an effort to help with flood relief in Houston.

The NFL foundation is also matching McNair’s donation.

"“That’s great,” McNair said Monday about the NFL Foundation’s matching donation. “I’m so glad because so many people need help, and we’re fortunate to be able to help a little.“It’s just distressing to see what’s happening in our city and the surrounding area.”"

Texans’ general manager Rick Smith praised the Dallas Cowboys and owner Jerry Jones for allowing to practice in Frisco this week.

The Texans will continue to practice in Frisco on Tuesday and I would honestly be surprised if they head back to Houston at all this week with flood waters only expected to rise over the course of the next several days.

Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to those affected by the flooding.

It’s extremely encouraging and uplifting to see how everyone in the Houston area is doing whatever if takes to help one another.

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Texans’ rookie defensive tackle Mathew Godin unfortunately suffered a torn ACL during Houston’s preseason game against the New Orleans Saints this past Saturday, according to Aaron Wilson of the Houston Chronicle.

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Godin will certainly be placed on season-ending injured reserve.