The Selfie Was Ugly, The Letterman Jacket Bad, The Feud…Pointless


It seems weird that so much has been made over a picture someone took of themselves, but apparently this whole “slefie-gate” thing just won’t die. For anyone who may have missed the beginning of this spat between Titans quarterback Zach Mettenberger and Texans defensive end J.J. Watt, allow me to fill you in.

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Mettenberger took a selfie before his first career start against the Houston Texans, and Watt was not amused with the rookie playing around on social media before the game.

"“I take this game seriously,” Watt said. “If I were a rookie being named a starter for the first time, I’d be a little more focused. But we won the game. That’s all that matters.”"

It seemed as though the feud was over after Houston easily won the game and Mettenberger, who looks an awful lot like White Goodman from Dodgeball, was a forgotten man after his team drafted Oregon quarterback Marcus Mariota with the second overall pick in the 2015 draft.

Yet Zach was not ready to ride off to the sideline quietly, as he decided to start the feud again, getting his name back out in the media. What better way to “get some” (yes, that was intentional) attention than to call out one of the most popular players in the entire league.

"“He had to say it’s a bit high schoolish that I take selfies and I think he still rags me on Instagram every time he posts a selfie,” Mettenberger said. “At the same time if that’s high schoolish, he got a letterman’s jacket … a Texans letterman jacket made. That’s pretty high schoolish to me, wouldn’t you say?”"

For what it is worth, I agree with Mettenberger that the letterman jackets were pretty “high schoolish.” When the team broke those jackets out, I was one of the first people to sigh in disbelief. However, Watt seemed to learn from the stunt, and may be trying to let Mettenberger know he should be more focused before a big game.

The bottom line to it all is that the “get some” selfie was pretty ugly, the letterman jacket was a bad idea and overall the feud makes no sense because Watt cannot sack Mettenberger while he holds a clipboard. Sorry Zach.

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