The Morning Fix: Jadeveon Clowney supports Brock Osweiler and more

Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports
Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports

Good morning Houston! Great news, free agency kicks off later today and the weekend is almost here as the Houston Texans continue to fight for A.J. Bouye.

Some more good news is that Tony Romo will finally be released today and we’ll hopefully know where he’ll be signing within the next few days.

Odds are that the Texans will acquire Jay Cutler.  That’s of course if they can’t get Romo.

The Texans are still trying to re-sign A.J. Bouye as they to fight off the Eagles and a bunch of other teams.

Here’s some more Texans news from around the web:

Jadeveon Clowney says he’s “riding with Osweiler” in Texans QB battle [TMZ Sports]

I’m not sure what TMZ was looking for Clowney to say.  He’s not about to start any trouble by not supporting Osweiler.

Texans’ Vince Wilfork noncommittal on retirement decision: ‘I’m in no rush whatsoever’ [Houston Chronicle – Aaron Wilson]

Whether Wilfork retires or not, he’s a free agent and the Texans can’t count on him coming back. They need to draft his replacement.

Healthy market expected for Texans free agent John Simon [Houston Chronicle – Aaron Wilson]

It sounds like the Texans could have a hard time re-signing John Simon.

More from Toro Times

Houston Texans: No Asking Price Too High for Tony Romo [NFL Spin Zone – Luke Sims]

I’m not sure I agree with this. I would rather the Texans sign Jay Cutler and save a lot more money.

Cutler’s more likely to at least play an entire 16 game regular season.

Texans have decisions to make in secondary entering free agency [ – Sarah Barshop]

The best decision the Texans could make would be to trade Johnathan Joseph for a bag of chips so they can free up the cap space to re-sign A.J. Bouye.

Ex-Texans QBs Schaub, Hoyer draw big new contracts [Texans Wire – Jeff Risdon]

Hoyer is one of the top back ups in the NFL and will now have a chance to start with the 49ers. Good for him.
