You see J.J. Watt on TV, now he’s on your phone

When he’s not sacking quarterbacks, swatting down passes or stuffing running plays, you can still see J.J. Watt on TV. He’s chopping wood in the middle of the forest in those awful Verizon commercials or chaperoning an awkward middle school dance with a surprised mother.

But now he’s expanded his presence to the mobile platform. He has now become an emoji. Yes, you can have your own J.J. Watt emoji. So every time Watt makes a big play and you want to tweet about it, you can put Watt’s emoji in the tweet or text it to a friend in elation every time he makes a big play.

Here is what it looks like:

Maybe they didn’t need to go with the bloody nose on this one. Maybe him doing the wag of the finger or the salute would have been slightly more pleasant.

SportsManias has developed a football emoji keyboard with most of your favorite players as emojis, along with GIFs and memes.  For the fantasy football players out there (which is everyone), instead of just texting your opponent in fantasy football, you can send them a text with the player who beat them. Or in Watt’s case, the player that may have prevented your opponent’s player from scoring the points needed to win.

This is the ultimate smack talking tool each week.  But, there is more.  SportsManias has a brand new fantasy football feature.  Now, you can import your fantasy roster, create a personalized team news feed and use the emojis of your key players.

Vicente Fernandez, co-founder at SportsManias, clearly has a great product. He says, “we created this keyboard because fantasy football trash-talking is an art form, and we want SportsManias users to dominate this aspect of the game, too.  Nothing like this has ever existed for fantasy football. Between our new fantasy news feeds and this keyboard, SportsManias users will be fully equipped for the season.”

So you think that is good and exciting?  Well, here is something better.  Get the free app, along with the emojis, GIFs and memes for free, here!
