Houston Texans: Team quotes following loss


The Houston Texans struggled mightily in their 27-20 loss to the Kansas City Chiefs as they got nothing going during the first half of the game. In the fourth quarter starting quarterback Brian Hoyer was benched in favor of backup Ryan Mallett and the team was able to pull within a touchdown.

Unable to convert the onside kick, Houston walked off the field with a loss in their opening game of the 2015 NFL season. After the game some of the players and coaches were available for the post-game press conference. Here are some quotes from the presser;

Head coach Bill O’Brien on  theHoyer benching, “felt like it was the best decision for the team”

On what went wrong during the game “turned it over, didn’t play good on special, didn’t play well in all three phases, but mostly I would say we were out coached. Give the Chiefs credit, they did a great job.”

On who struggled during the game “All of us, starting with the coaches have to do better, so I’m not going to get into it with individual players or anything like that.”

He  also pointed out that it is a long season and the team competed better in the second half, although not well enough still.

When asked about the quarterback situation moving forward and how he will decide who starts next week, said he will “go in there, watch the tape and make an honest evaluation and make a decision one way or the other going in to the Carolina game.”

On the effort “The whole offensive effort wasn’t very good…it starts with the coaching.”

He again said the Chiefs “coached better than us.” Showing he has no problem taking his share of the blame for a poor outing.

Also said they will continue to rotate the running backs based on the situation, but the short yardage game was “terrible.”

On what factors into playing time, “with every decision we make we are going to try to do the best job we can to improve the team.”

Defensive end J.J. Watt on what went wrong  “dug ourselves a hole early” and later effort was “too little, too late, and we can’t do that in this league.”

On making stops to get the ball back”it’s our job to stand up and make a play, and we didn’t do that today.”

He said he didn’t think sitting out the preseason hurt him, but said “I can always find ways to help the team more” and that he would evaluate the tape and do just that.

When asked about the progress made in the second half “it’s the National Football League, we are looking to win football games and not just show signs of progress…there’s no moral victories in the NFL.”

Quarterback Brian Hoyer said it was the coach’s decision to bench him and admitted “I can see why he did that, it couldn’t have went any worse.” He continued “Obviously, I feel terrible like I let this whole entire organization down, I mean it just went from bad to worse.”

On if he stays benched “That’s coach O’Brien’s decision, I respect the hell out of him”

Quarterback Ryan Mallet on if he will start next week “I am going to prepare every week like I am the starter” He said that’s how he can help the team win and “that’s all I care about.”

When asked more about playing “I believe in myself, that’s all I’m worried about.”

On his play and timing with the receivers and protection from the offensive line “I just felt like I was stepping into throws and I was able to deliver on time.”

On how to win going forward “we need to do better, it wasn’t good enough, it’s not to our standards.”

When discussing working on the next game “I don’t even know if I will leave tonight, I might just stay here and start watching Carolina games to tell you the truth.”

On what he plans to do going forward, “I’ll do whatever this team wants me to do, or needs me to do” and “I’ll do what I’m told”

Next: Texans vs. Chiefs Week 1 recap