Houston Texans get on-field time with new coaches


Now for a non-draft breather, just before the storm

The Texans held voluntary practices with their new coaches, described as “up tempo” compared to the practices of the past. In attendance were Arian Foster, fresh from back surgery and the indomitable JJ Watt. When asked if he was watching the draft tomorrow Mr. Watt spared few words: “No.”

New addition to the QB roster, Ryan Fitzpatrick was also on tap to show he’s not just there to hold a clipboard but to compete. I think this is good, I’m not a fan of his and hope that Case wins the starting job but competitive drive is what you want to see. This lifts all the players and no matter who is under center come September being there now builds confidence.

The big surprise was the lack of one Andre Johnson. No explanation for his absence was provided however when asked OB1 responded “It’s voluntary. Again, we just coach who shows up.” I have a feeling he’d rather all the veterans show up but Andre’s a big boy and I’m sure he’ll deliver when the time comes.

While in a normal season such work outs aren’t really anything to get excited about, with the new regime settled in every practice counts. Every moment on the field holds value as old ways fall to the way side and new plays and schemes get in. Here’s the time to make the big impression for the young guys and one get’s a sense from reading the player and coaches comments that everyone is ready to get 2014 off on the right foot.

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*comments courtesy of the Houston Texans PR Dept.