Fans already think these same thoughts about NFL Players and this time it is one of their own that is calling them out. Check out Derrick Ward’s rant on twitter:
Alright NFL players!!! Its absolutely E-N-O-U-G-H!!! Drinking and Driving? How dumb can u be? Its absolutely stupid and your making the good
— Derrick Ward (@derrickward32) July 21, 2012
Guys that actually do right in the NFL look bad. How easy is it to call a cab to get a ride home? So what? Leave your car get it in the am!?
— Derrick Ward (@derrickward32) July 21, 2012
Stop being so dumb! Yes that's right dumb! I'm sitting here retired enjoyed a great career now all I want to do is become a fan and I see...
— Derrick Ward (@derrickward32) July 21, 2012
Numerous arrest for DWI in the past several weeks? How many has it been this week 4? Absolutely ridiculous your not only putting yourself...
— Derrick Ward (@derrickward32) July 21, 2012
In danger but your putting other innocent people in danger that don't deserve your stupidity. Open your eyes and do the right thing. I know
— Derrick Ward (@derrickward32) July 21, 2012
What its like to get go out get drunk and debate on weather to drive home or not. Call a taxi! So what if u spend some money to take one or
— Derrick Ward (@derrickward32) July 21, 2012
U get a ticket on your car in the am when u go bac 2 get it At least u won't have to pay bail and then lawyer fees and then miss game checks
— Derrick Ward (@derrickward32) July 21, 2012
From being suspended for a few games. Damn this really has me furious and its so avoidable. Tighten up youngesters of the NFL because guess
— Derrick Ward (@derrickward32) July 21, 2012
What it doesn't mean National Football League it really means Not For Long league..... #JustVentingSorryEveryone
— Derrick Ward (@derrickward32) July 21, 2012
There's no excuse to drive drunk! NONE! If all else fails WALK! NFL players are world class athletes Walking should be nothing!
— Derrick Ward (@derrickward32) July 21, 2012