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Houston Texans Poised For a Run at a Super Bowl Berth?


The boys over at have done it yet again! Khaled Elsayed a favorite of ours at the site is calling it now. Houston Texans.

Is Elsayed going all out like Coach Shanahan of the Washington Redskins and staking his reputation on it? Well PFF_Elsayed, as he is known on twitter, isn’t going quite that far and we don’t blame him.

“Right now, while everyone is looking at Philadelphia and the moves they’ve made, people are sleeping on Houston.” Khaled says, “They haven’t so much got stronger, as eliminated two of their biggest weaknesses. That’s enough to make this team pretty darn scary.”

We agree with Elsayed on his opinions of what the Texans did in free agency and when he elaborates a bit on the fact that everyone was so focused on the Texans’ secondary struggles and the teams switch to a 3-4 defense, it seems like they’ve forgotten just how good the offense is. It’s starts at the quarterback position.

Lets not forget that Matt Schaub averages a league best 295.2 passing yards while on the road in the past three seasons. Also with a drastically improved secondary via free agency and key team re-signing there is little doubt the Houston Texans make their first playoff apperance in 2011 and we are calling that for sure.

As for a Super Bowl appearance? While we would be absolutely ecstatic if this premonition came to pass. We can’t help but believe the lack of experience on a huge stage such the playoffs coupled with the youth at many positions on the defensive side of the ball will lead to the Houston Texans coming up a bit short.

Although coming up short of the Super Bowl this year will only lead to great experience and poise building mentalities for the next few years to come.

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