Notes From Texans-Jaguars Game

  • The first, and biggest, is on Glover Quin. Glover, I know you’re suppose to swat the ball down, but you didn’t even do that. What you did was bat the ball across, right into the lap of the receiver.
  • Here’s another one for you Glover. Remember that long TD catch and run by second year TE Zach Miller? At least wrap him up. This isn’t flag football. Wrap him up and if you can’t get him down, help will come.
  • After a poor first half all together, the Texans made good adjustments at the half and they worked…on offense. At least they were able to get the ball the Andre Johnson and get a touchdown.
  • James Casey dropped a would be touchdown pass. I know he hasn’t played much, but he needs to be able to make those catches. He’s not by any means a blocking TE, so if he can’t catch, then he serves no purpose on offense.
  • Defensive coordinator Frank Bush had his corners playing press coverage on the Hail Mary on the last play. What purpose does that serve? A receiver that beat the press ended up making the catch. Is Bush asking to be fired?
  • Both teams came out passing the ball. Arian Foster showed that he could run the ball, but the Texans decided to stay with the pass. The Jaguars switched to run with a lot of success while the Texans stayed with their slow first half passing offense.
  • Punter Matt Turk had another horrible day. He’s done this before where he just can’t kick anything with the top of his foot. Punts sure were flying on Sunday. They were flying everywhere you don’t want them to go. They were going to the team benches, to the press box, in the toilet, up Kubiak’s nose…
  • Bernard Pollard play much better in coverage this week. But it doesn’t help the defense if his fellow corners can’t cover their receiver one on one. Though the thing with Pollard is that he should have had that interception on the Jaguars’ first possession.
  • Kevin Walter finally came back to life in this game. He made a few clutch receptions, including a touchdown late in the game that was ruled incomplete but then reviewed and ruled a catch. It was a good catch by Walter and the officials got the call right.
  • The Texans had two chances to get into scoring position late in the game to win it. On one play, center Chris Myers snapped both wide and before Schaub was ready for it. On another chance, Joel Dreessen fumbled away a catch that gave and Jaguars the opportunity to win the game.
  • On defense, I consistently saw Antonio Smith, Mario Williams, and Amobi Okoye putting pressure on David Garrard. But where was Shawn Cody? I know he’s not a pass rusher, but he’s not helping. Anyone thinking that we’ll be looking at DT’s high in the draft?