Reliant Stadium Pregame Horn Implemented


Starting tomorrow, a very noticeable difference will be apparent before the Cowboys face off against the Texans in the third week of the preseason. In a surprise yet brilliant move, the Texans have mounted horn to Reliant Stadium to be sounded 30 and 15 minutes prior to kickoff in an attempt to get more fans in their seats prior to kickoff. It’s not just a horn, it’s a mega horn sounding at 170 decibels, something impossible to ignore if you’re anywhere near the facility.

This idea has been floating around the Texans fan base and message boards for a few years now, but now the Texans finally made what is probably the best off field move since the franchise’s inception. Yes, I am making a huge deal about this. Think about 10-20 years from now when this thing is a concrete Texans tradition on game days. This is something Texans fans can all be proud of, and hopefully this will get the stadium more populated before player introductions.